Sunday 27 March 2011

Here is a short film of the Italian meeting.

The second video made by hungarian students for the second project meeting.
The film shows the hungarian inventors' famous inventions.

Monday 21 March 2011

Tail about culture - First Cycle

Zoilo Palomer and peace in Ciudad Rodrigo.

Ciudad Rodrigo, April 1810. Near the border with Portugal, a small town called Ciudad Rodrigo was surrounded by the French army. Here lived a small boy of 7 years old; he was tall for his age, with brown hair and blue eyes. He was called Zoilo Palomar. Zoilo liked to play the drum and the bagpipe, besides he liked playing with his friends. Although at that it time was dangerous to go out because bombs were falling all the time and the French fired them from outside the wall. Zoilo was to take some water to his father who was defending the city in the wall. When he arrived one day he didn´t find his father and he was very scared. Suddenly he heard his father is voice who was calling him calling loudly and said: Zoilo help me bring my partner home! The child obeyed his father and he left the drums and bagpipes, that he always carried to everywhere to help him. He felt very sad when he saw that his father's friend was wounded in a leg. When helped his father, Zoilo took back the drum and bagpipes and played through the streets of the city without stopping. The French heard it and they liked the sound so much that they stopped bombardingfor a while, so that the child could bring peace to Ciudad Rodrigo.

Tail about culture - Second Cycle


Once there was a boy called Ivan and he lived in Ciudad Rodrigo. He really liked the carnival and he wanted to fight, but his parents did not let him because it was too dangerous. Ivan did not miss any closure or disclosure. In the morning, he woke up very early to get a place in the pines with his grandfather. In the afternoon, he went to see the bullfight, the disclosure and then he went to the fairground attraction In the Carnival on Sunday there was a closure with horse where the jockeys brought the bulls from the country to the bull-ring. One day they released the bulls and they did not realize there was a hole unfenced. A bull went over there and Ivan had to run to find a house to keep saves. And this was how Ivan ran the bulls of the Carnival.

Tail about culture - Third cycle


This is usually the second Tuesday of August. Every year, this day is celebrated in the streets of Ciudad Rodrigo becomes something like a medieval market. The hotels and local shops stand out in the streets to show from the typical products of the earth, to souvenirs for tourists, As well you have the chance to taste the typical dishes from the area. The celebration is also a traditional market that it is celebrated in city each Tuesday during the whole year. In 1475, the Catholic Monarchs granted to the city, as a reward or compensation for it situation continued that the border with Portugal was favored, the privilege of celebrating each Tuesday a free market, to attract traders and to make easy the mirobrigenses purchase of all kinds of products. In 1990 the town hall of Ciudad Rodrigo, decided to remember this moment in its history, it decided to create a day of free-market, it was called The Mayor Tuesday.