Friday 31 December 2010

Thursday 2 December 2010

This is our introduction brochure of Comenius Project "Photography". I hope you like it.

The Hungarian meeting

Here are some pictures of the project meeting in Budapest, november 8.-12. On the meeting we reviewed the programmes of the next two years, and the Spanish and Italian guests discovered the capital of Hungary, Budapest.

Saturday 30 October 2010

The italian school

"Padre Pio" is a Primary School, with students aged from 3 to 10. It is located in Gravina in Puglia, a town near Bari (South Italy). Agriculture is the most important economical sector, but the last years the economy is suffering and unemployment is growing. Students belong to low class families. There are 736 students, 32 classes and 63 teachers. Our school has several educational programmes in order to integrate children from other cultures in the school life. Other programmes intend to face some students' learning, behavioural or social needs. Students with special educational needs are inserted in the school system. Our school is working on programs to prevent students' failure and dropout. The Comenius project will be a good opportunity for our students to get acquainted with students from all over Europe and exchange ideas and experiences.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Dear visitor

This is one of the sites of Comenius partnership program. The project is about photography. During this project we are going to learn the basic elements of photography and introduce our culture, history, lifestyles to each other. During this program the common language (english) is suitable for use so that all of us are going to develope skills in foreign language. Our goal is to raise awareness of Europian multicultural character through getting to know our culture.